This week we revisited egg again to determine whether Clara has an allergy or not. We only used the egg yolk this time as the egg white is more likely to induce an allergic reaction (we will try this again at a later date). I kept it quite simple and just hard boiled an egg, popped out the yolk and mashed it up with a little bit of my milk. She ate some of it from a spoon and the rest of it I spread onto some buttered toast fingers. Luckily, she seemed absolutely fine afterwards so I think egg yolks are safe! Yay!
New Schedule
This week we introduced a new schedule for Clara to try and reduce the number of milk feeds that she has and to help her sleep better at night as it was starting to get a bit ridiculous. I’ve been breastfeeding her on demand up until now but as she is so used to being fed whenever she cries, wakes or needs sleep, it has also resulted in her asking for food several times during the night as comfort more than anything and we are really starting to feel the strain from the broken sleep that we are getting each night.