We have more or less totally dropped back to two meals a day this week which is quite frustrating as it feels like a step in the wrong direction. I’m wondering if it is to do with her tooth that has started to come through as she just doesn’t seem to want more than a couple of mouthfuls and will sometimes refuse a meal outright. I want to try and keep mealtimes as fun and relaxed as possible and I know that she will eat if she is genuinely hungry, so I don’t really want to try and force her to take food from the spoon if she isn’t in the mood! I guess all we can do is keep monitoring her weight to make sure that she isn’t slipping and hope that she gets more interested in mealtimes soon.
Weaning – week 12
This week we revisited egg again to determine whether Clara has an allergy or not. We only used the egg yolk this time as the egg white is more likely to induce an allergic reaction (we will try this again at a later date). I kept it quite simple and just hard boiled an egg, popped out the yolk and mashed it up with a little bit of my milk. She ate some of it from a spoon and the rest of it I spread onto some buttered toast fingers. Luckily, she seemed absolutely fine afterwards so I think egg yolks are safe! Yay!